
Campden Gallery 2021

During these last two years I found myself unlocking memories, retrieving atmospheres of places, senses of spaces, birds eye views of seemingly distant times; travelling through a window, a skylight, a corner of nature reclaimed.

References to the architectural are unavoidable, even though what I think I remember may be just imagined.

Perhaps, or because of the strangeness and uncertainty which still surrounds us, structure and form have become even more essential.

It’s as if the work is creating its own kind of framework as a reflection or reaction.

I try to work on the periphery of the content, to find a kind of perfect imbalance.

Although against my instincts, I try to avoid being herded into certainty, keeping the conversation open and in a state of flux between the elements of form, colour and space.

It’s a desire to make something new, with the eye, the heart, the hand, but not the mind, whilst continuing a conversation with the past.

R.F. 11. 2021